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Instagram Photo Filter Evaluation

Posted on 14th Apr 2013 @ 10:07 PM

                                                                                   Instagram Photo Filter Evaluation

Instagram is a free photo sharing and social networking, released in October 2010, as of this moment there are over 80 million users.

The program allows users to take a photo (or use existing) to implement an existing effective filters on it and share it with other users of the application, as well as other social networks. Through the so-called "tagging" of images (e.g. # nature # summer etc.), other users reach your images can comment on them, like or subscribe to you.

Another feature of the app is that it limits the pictures in 4:3 formats, similar to the classic Kodak Instamatic and Polaroid, which in combination with filters become interesting and original sound. 4:3 formats is considered a fault by many users because most of today's mobile devices shoot in large format 16:9 aspect ratio, which is better seen in modern widescreen displays (monitors, TVs, smartphones, tablets, etc.). . On 12 April 2012, Facebook Instagram bought for about $ 1 billion. The cost is incomparably higher, for example, that for which Yahoo! bought Flickr in 2005 - 35 million dollars. Application Instagram has won numerous prestigious awards for the application of the year, the popular application, etc.

The key feature of Instagram is sharing. A picture is enough for it to be published automatically to your chosen social networks, even now you exit the application. That is why the name "Instagram" is quite descriptive (instant - instant, in English). Metaphorically speaking, Instagram is the concept of Polaroid cameras that are ready to photograph a few moments after you did.

Sharing with Instagram is possible both in social media such as Facebook and Twitter, and within the service itself, which gradually formed as a separate social network. You can add hashtags, to indicate that the content of your photo (or whatever you want to indicate), and search and follow users. Annoying is that many users include all options for sharing and if you are related through several channels, you will see their photo several times.