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Vine Now Uses Hashtags

Posted on 10th Apr 2013 @ 1:32 PM

                                                                                   Vine Now Uses Hashtags

Vine broadcast on Friday that it has issued an update to its discover part in an effort to help its users better find out content. What makes this intriguing is that, since it’s a Twitter product, the well liked six-second video creator will now encompass trending hashtags that will allow for more topical mails to be glimpsed. if this uses the exact identical algorithm as Twitter’s trending tweets (TopTweets) remains to be glimpsed.

It does not emerge that users need to download an revise to see the new Trending part under the Explore tab. When the app is opened, navigate to the section and scroll down and hashtag topics will emerge.

Vine’s support for hashtags is conspicuously not astonishing given that Twitter was one of the early adopters of the feature. But it follows other services that have lately started allowing explorations to be made from this format: Flickr, route, and perhaps even Facebook.

This is the latest report from Vine since it broadcast last week that it would allow users to embed their videos on the Web and issued an iOS update that shared client videos through Twitter and Facebook.