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How to Use Twitter for Businesses

Posted on 12th Apr 2013 @ 12:03 PM

                                                                                   How to Use Twitter for Businesses

Last year Twitter celebrated its sixth birthday with over 140 million users worldwide. In Bulgaria, the microblogging platform is most common among marketers, journalists and any other public figure. Yet few Bulgarian companies use social media and networking, but that, of course, may change, once you realize the benefits that it provides.

In this article I will discuss in particular the business benefits offered by Twitter. If you are not professional profile there, hurry to make the following five reasons:

Twitter is a good place to build communities and create a dialogue with your potential and existing customers, regardless of the type and size of your business. For starters, you can track popular topics using Twitter search, hashtag option or start to follow the leading tweeting. The most important thing is to find those conversations that affect you and join them with valuable opinions. Remember that interact with people and to find the right style of expression close to your audience, each status should not exceed 140 characters.
    Here you can "listen" to what is said about you and respond in real time. Gives you a chance to manage and build a reputation for your company. If you have a quality online training experts who know in depth your products and services, you could even use Twitter as a substitute for customer support.
    Use it as a tool to monitor the activity of your competitors. Create public or private lists of people and companies whose updates you would like to receive. Another easy way to monitor is to enter the keywords that interest you in Twitter search, to refine search Advanced search and then save it for frequent use.
    If you know how to gather enough followers on Twitter you can promote new products and events among a broad audience, and to organize competitions with a minimum budget.
    Last but not least, through this platform, you can increase traffic to your website, online shop or blog.


Each company should already be aware that if not lost, at least without many significant releases its presence in social networks. It is extremely important to ensure that your company's presence, at least in the major sites - Facebook and Twitter. And while Facebook things more like using a traditional site for Twitter is far more complicated. Microblogging site can’t rely so much on images as words. And a limited number of words. Therefore, using Twitter for business purposes requires a special approach.