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Political Campaigns Use Social Media

                                                   Political Campaigns Use Social Media

Only a couple of years ago, the Internet was drastically different. Media channels, newspapers and televisions had the power. Nowadays it’s a social media revolution and the Internet rules. That is why even politicians are turning to social networks in order to reach out young voters.

Many people between the ages of 18 and 29 use social media, and this is the way politicians can connect with them, speaking their own “language”. During the election season, candidates intensely use social media platforms. The target: young voters. There’s a new generation of voters, starting those who are in front of the first vote of their lives, a generation which spends most of its time online. The easiest way to communicate with them is through Internet.

Campaigns use social media because it reaches a large audience, spreads rapidly and encourages users to learn more about the candidates. Politicians exploit social media tools and the Internet to reach their goals. The more online action, the better for interacting with many people and let them know about the politic platforms of the candidates. It is known that the President of the United States, Obama, used online tactics for the first time in 2008 and they were successful. Last year, for example, supporters of Obama were asked to post a photo on social network, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or Instagram, becoming a part of his campaign.

Social media is now a strong “weapon” in the politic battle. Social networks profoundly influence human behavior and social media affects real-world voting. It’s believed that Facebook is a major influence tool. It has the potential to affect young voters, considering its growing popularity. One simple message directly send can mobilize people getting out voting. As the technology advances, social media has a big role in the political system. Now, politicians can interact with voters at a new level. Their online social presence can really affect voting, so campaigns are more dynamic than in the 20th Century. The Internet rules and digital strategies are used all over the world.



Published on 11th Jan 2013 @ 12:31 AM